
Online Bookstore Management System API with java Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Online Bookstore Management System API with Java Spring Boot


The Online Bookstore Management System simplifies book-related activities for customers and administrators. For detailed information, refer to the Features section.

Under Development

Test API here

Run In Postman


  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or above:

    • Ensure that you have Java Development Kit version 17 or a later version installed on your system.
  2. MySQL Database:

    • Utilize a local MySQL instance or connect to a remote MySQL server.

How to Run

1- Clone the project repository from Git (if it's not already cloned).

2- Import the project into your favorite Java IDE (e.g., IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.).

3- Build the project to resolve dependencies.



No. Feature Description Endpoint
1. Browse Books Explore books by categories. GET /book/category/{category}
2. View Book Details Get detailed information about a specific book. GET /book/{id}
3. Request to Borrow a Book Request to borrow a specific book. POST /book/{id}/borrow
4. Check Borrowing Status View borrowing requests for a specific customer. GET /book/myrequests
5. Register Register a new customer. POST /auth/register
6. Authenticate Authenticate as a customer. POST /auth/authentication


No. Feature Description Endpoint
1. Add New Book Add a new book to the inventory. POST /book/add
2. Update Book Details Update details of an existing book. PUT /book/update/{id}
3. Manage Inventory
- Update Stock Levels Update stock levels of a book. PUT /book/{id}/stock
- Set Availability Set the availability status of a book. PUT /book/{id}/availability
4. Delete Book Delete a book from the inventory. DELETE /book/delete/{id}
5. Manage Borrowing Requests Update the status of a borrowing request. PUT /book/borrow/{requestId}/status
6. Get All Borrowing Requests View a list of all borrowing requests. GET /book/requests
7. Authenticate Authenticate as an admin. POST /auth/authentication

Creating RSA Key Pair

  • in a new folder under /src/main/resources/certs
  • run this commands in terminal
# create rsa key pair
openssl genrsa -out keypair.pem 2048
# extract public key
openssl rsa -in keypair.pem -pubout -out public.pem
# create private key in PKCS#8 format
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in keypair.pem -out private.pem

Swagger Documentation

After running the project, you can access the Swagger documentation to explore and understand the APIs.

Swagger UI

Visit http://localhost:8282/swagger-ui/index.html to interact with the Swagger UI.

API Documentation

You can also access the raw API documentation in JSON format at http://localhost:8282/v3/api-docs.

