Create a nano react app with typescript, and check everything works:
npx nano-react-app ketcher-react-mwe --ts
cd ketcher-react-mwe
npm install
npm start
Install epam ketcher
npm install --save ketcher-react
As we've used nano react, need to install types:
npm i --save-dev @types/node
Attempting to use ketcher with the provided code doesn't work, and some changes need to be made:
import { RemoteStructServiceProvider } from 'ketcher-core'
const structServiceProvider = new RemoteStructServiceProvider(
'custom header': 'value' // optionally you can add custom headers object
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
- Cannot find editor. Some searching suggests we need to import Editor from ketcher-react: import { Editor } from "ketcher-react";
- For now staticResourcesUrl can be an empty string: staticResourcesUrl={""}
- An error handler is required for editor: errorHandler={(message:string) => null}
No errors in the editor now, but the code won't run as some further changes need to be made. Running at this point will reveal 'Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined' in the console. To fix, add the below to vite.config.ts:
define: {
'process.env': {},
global: {},
The app now loads, but there's a weird bug where it is a: huge, and b: keeps moving down the page...! Turns out using this css file is important to sort that behaviour out:
import "ketcher-react/dist/index.css";
Need to add the following to the editor:
onInit={(ketcher) => {
window.ketcher = ketcher;
eventType: 'init',
And for this to work we need to create src/typing.d.ts:
import { Ketcher } from 'ketcher-core';
declare global {
export interface Window {
ketcher?: Ketcher;
Also, change to use the standalone service provider:
import { StandaloneStructServiceProvider as StandaloneStructServiceProviderType } from 'ketcher-standalone';
const StandaloneStructServiceProvider =
StandaloneStructServiceProviderType as unknown as new () => any;
const structServiceProvider = new StandaloneStructServiceProvider();
Now we can interact:
function handleClick(){
window.ketcher.getSmiles().then(result => console.log(result));
<button onClick={handleClick}>Get Smiles</button>