1. Data model
  • Authenticated users will be able to create products and sell them, so we’ll have a Product model,
  • A product has an author, so we need to add relations between of two : model Product { ... author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade) authorId String } ...and :

model User { //... products Product[] }

  • People purchase products, so we gonna have Purchace model with relation to the Product and User model :

model Product { //... purchases Purchase[] } ...and : model User { //... purchases Purchase[] }

  • npx prisma migrate dev to save schema changes and apply changes to db.
  1. Authentication
  • After user log in, redirect to /dashboard, that we need to create,
  • but before, if user does not have a name, redirect to /setup to setup a user name, and after redirect to dashboard,
  • also create Heading. js component that holds navbar with text logo and login/logout button,
  • import Heading component into index.js
  1. Create/Add new product into db
  • Ddd a button in the dashboard to let user create a new product,
  • After clickin on Crete new product button, redirect to : /dashboard/new that needs to be created,
  • New page contains a form to get information that user want to store into db like : title, free or not, price, image...
  • Create pages/dashboard/new.js endpoint to handle the form data and store info into db,
  • crete middleware/middleware.js to handle file upload,
  • install - npm install next-connect@0.12.2 multiparty,
  • create lib/upload.js and run npm install aws-sdk (AWS library) to handle handle file uploading to AWS S3 bucket
  1. Show products from db to dashboard
  • create lib/data.js(talks to db true PRISMA) and add getProducts() that gets all products from db,
  • in pages/dashboard/index.js add the getServerSideProps() function at the end to handle data server side and return products that can be displayed tru JSX on dashboard
  • for that we need to pass {products} parameter that we get from getServerSideProps() : ~ export default function Dashboard({ products }) {}
  1. Edit product funcionality
  • Create the file pages/dashboard/product/[id].js,
  • In this file we need to have getServerSideProps() that return single product from db, and pass that product to Product function : export default function Product({ product }) { return
  • in /lib/data.js add new helper method getProduct() to get single product from db, and pass that to getServerSideProps() on product/[id].js,
  1. Show list of products on users profile page and the signle product page
  • First, add a “View” link into our dashboard next to Edit button :

  • Create the file pages/product/[id].js - when user clik on View button,

  • this page contains all relativ data of created product, like price, title, image, description...

  • Also crete pages/profile/[id].js to list and show all product created by specific user,

  1. Home page - list products
  • list the products in the file pages/index.js like the user’s profile,
  • in getServerSideProps() add { take: 3 } parameter to show only 3 products from db,
  • last step, in data.js add condition to limit the products to the number specified: if (options.take) { data.take = options.take }
    • later the idea is to list most selling products here,