~ used technologies: NextJs, React, Postgres with Prisma for DB management stored on Railways,
~ live link :
Project contains :
a homepage
- lists all the most recent videos, in reverse chronological order until the site grows and we’ll introduce an algorithm
a subscriptions page
- just for site logged in users, will list all videos of channels you’re subscribed to
a channel page
- lists the videos of a user
a single video page
- this is shown when a video is clicked, plays the video and hosts the comments
When a video page is opened, increment the views.
Logged in users can subscribe to a channel, and unsubscribe.
Each channel will have a count of subscribers.
Videos, from channels a user is subscribed to, will be visible in reverse chronological order in their subscriptions page.
Users can upload videos to platform. The user will set a title for the video.
URL structure :
- Homepage:
- Subscriptions page:
(not same as the YT one, but close - Channel page:
- Single video page:
- Data model
- video model :
A video has an
, atitle
, and aurl
of the video file. It has a thumbnail URL. It has a creation date and holds a views counter. A video has a length.
A video can be public, unlisted or private. We’ll store that information as a visibility
model Video {
id String @id @default(cuid())
title String
url String
thumbnail String
views Int @default(0)
length Int @default(0)
visibility String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
A video has an author/owner, a user:
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade) authorId String
In User model add relation : Video Video[]
User can subscribe to other users or chanels, and chanel can have zero or manu users. Here we need many to many relationship :
model User { //...
subscribers User[] @relation("Subscribers") subscribedTo User[] @relation("Subscribers") }
- Add test data using @faker-js/faker :
npm install -D @faker-js/faker
Create a pages/utils.js that contains 2 'tasks' to /api/utils :
to generate random users, random videos, random comments, likes, views.clean_database
to remove all content from the database
- Fill db with sample data
- create AWS account and upload some sample videos and images to bucket,
- in terminal run : npm install aws-sdk,
- add import import AWS from 'aws-sdk' to /api/utils.js
- Home page
- add data fetching function getVideos() in lib/data.js to get all videos from db,
- import earlier created function in index.js for use there,
- crete two new components Video.js and Videos.js - which iterates over the videos and prints them,
- add getServerSideProps(),
- in next.config.js add AWS S3 domains so we can use next Image,
- install timeAgo library and configure it in /lib/data.js,
- add links to a single page, and user profile
- Single video page
Create the file pages/video/[id].js
Create a getVideo function in lib/data.js - through this, we get the details of a video, including the author info,
install package for video player - npm install react-player
Import in [id].js :
- import dynamic from 'next/dynamic',
- const ReactPlayer = dynamic(() => import('react-player/lazy'), { ssr: false })
add into jsx :
split scree on 2/3 for main video, and 1/3 for side bar that show 3 more videos from db using Tailwind md:w-2/3 and md:w-1/3
modify getVideos() to get only 3 videos on home page using "take" prisma parameter to limit the nymber of returned items, /lib/data.js : if (options.take) data.take = options.take
pages/video/[id].js : let videos = await getVideos({}, prisma) let videos = await getVideos({ take: 3 }, prisma)
- User(Chanel) profile page
- Each user has a channel on the URL channel/
- create a file pages/channel/[username].js
- getUser() to get user from db - add into lib/data.js,
- change getVideos() to only return the videos of a particular person
- print the user’s information, and use the components/Videos component to list the user’s videos
- import Videos from 'components/Videos'
- import Link from 'next/link'
- Pagination
Idea is to show some videos, and hva a load more button to load more videos,
Limit to 3 videos that can be displayed on the home page,
Create a lib/config.js to stor ammount of videos that can be displayed on page
import amount from config.js into data.js and use that as a default value for take : data.take = options.take || amount
add load more button as component and import in index.js
When the button is clicked we’ll fire a GET API request to /api/videos.js to get more videos,
in components/LoadMore.js call this onClick event to load more videos from db
pass the list of videos to LoadMore:
So it can pass the length of this videos array as the skip parameter:
export default function LoadMore({ videos }) { ... onClick={async () => { const url =
... -
declare the videos state using useState, setting the initial state to the value of initialVideos :
export default function Home({ initialVideos }) { const [videos, setVideos] = useState(initialVideos) ... }
inside LoadMore we can update the videos list using setVideos: export default function LoadMore({ videos, setVideos }) { ... setVideos([...videos,])
create a reachedEnd state variable and use it to conditionally show the LoadMore component, and we pass setReachedEnd to LoadMore:
export default function Home({ initialVideos }) { const [videos, setVideos] = useState(initialVideos) const [reachedEnd, setReachedEnd] = useState(false) ... {!reachedEnd && ( )} }
- Inside components/LoadMore.js set reachedEnd to true if reached the end of the list, which means the number of videos returned is less than the value of amount:
- export default function LoadMore({ videos, setVideos, setReachedEnd }) { ... if (data.length < amount) { setReachedEnd(true) } ... }
- Implement login, create profile by choosing name, username and avata
- First we add a login button in the Heading component,
- In pages/index.js redirect to the /setup route if the user does not have a name set up: if (session && ! { router.push('/setup') }
- Create that page in pages/setup.js and POST form in it to send POST request to /api/setup endpoint,
- use a middleware : npm install multiparty next-connect@0.12.2
- Create the file middleware/middleware.js - to make the files information available in the API route,
- Create lib/upload.js,
- Create pages/api/setup.js where we set up the API route to use the middleware created,
- since we already have created user, all we need to do is to update it's data in /api/setup endpoint
- User info next to logout button
- if the user is logged in, we need to show it's username and avatar next to logout btn,
- In components/Heading.js :
{session && (
- Subscriptions
show the subscribers count in the channels pages
add a button on the channels to subscribe. Once subscribed, this will turn into an unsubscribe button
have a “subscriptions” page that lists the videos of the people you’re subscribed to
~ Show the subscribers count
- In lib/data.js add a getSubscribersCount() function that given a username returns the number of subscribers,
- In pages/channel/[username].js import and use this in getServerSideProps() and pass its return value to the component as a prop,
~ Allow users to subscribe and show the subscribed state
- Create a components/SubscribedButton.js file, and import in pages/channel/[username].js
- when user clik on subscribe button, send POST request to /api/subscribe with the subscribeTo data,
- create the file pages/api/subscribe.js in wich we first validate the existance of the current user, and the user you want to subscribe to,
- Finally we create a subscription using a special syntax that uses connect to connect 2 users together via the subscribedTo relation, as it’s a many-to-many self relation in the database: ... connect: [{ id: req.body.subscribeTo }], ...
- also create a unsubsrcibe.js to allow users to unsubscribe from user/chanel - It’s the same code as subscribe, except it uses disconnect to delete the relation: ... disconnect: [{ id: req.body.unsubscribeTo }], ...
~ Add a subscriptions page
- Create a pages/subscriptions.js - similar code like index.js but we pass a subscriptions parameter with the value of the current user id: let videos = await getVideos({ subscriptions: }, prisma)
- link to this page in the Heading component
- Increment views
video/[id].js import { useEffect }, and add in SingleVideo function that useEffect to fire side effect. In this case we want to increment views,
also create pages/api/view.js endpoint and add logic to update videto by incrementig its views for 1 : await{ where: { id: }, data: { views: { increment: 1, }, }, })
if user has a video with 0 views, changde code in pages/video/[id].js and add {video.views + 1} views
- Post new video
- In the pages/channel/[username].js file add a link to /upload if the current channel is the user’s own channel,
- in pages add new upload.js file that contains form with 3 fields: a title, a thumbnail image and the video file,
- add endpoint pages/api/upload.js - where we receive data from upload.js form and we use the upload function from lib/upload.js to upload the files to S3 and get their URLs, which we put in the database when we create a new video entry,
- Hide the “Subscribe” button if the user is not logged in,
- Add the ability to write comments,
- Let logged in users like/dislike videos,
- Add a “played” flag when a logged in user views a video,
- Allow to change the visibility of a video : Videos could be set in 2 ways: public or private,
- In the single video page show other videos from the author’s channel,
- List somewhere the channels user is subscribed to...