
Statically generate official-looking D&D Fifth-edition documents from markdown

Primary LanguageCSS

dndmd is for beautiful D∓D documents

dndmd is a command line tool that parses markdown and outputs beautiful HTML in the style of D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook.

It borrows heavily from Homebrewery, but is intended for use by those who want to use their regular editor and not faff about with a web interface.


npm install -g dndmd


# print html output to stdout
$ dndmd input.md

# save html output to a file
$ dndmd input.md -o output.html

# watch input file and render output on every change
$ dndmd input.md -o output.html -w


The default output is styled to look like the Player's Handbook.

Example output

See more details in the examples directory.