
A repo to compare tfsec, checkov, and terrascan

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A repo to compare tfsec, checkov, and terrascan. Some of the Terraform code was taken from the terragoat GitHub repo and modified for illustration.


Checkov General Overview

You can scan one file using:

checkov -f ./Terraform/ec2.tf

Or scan an entire directory:

checkov -d ./Terraform

To output in a specific format such as JSON:

checkov -d ./Terraform cle--output json

To scan for the Kubernetes framework run the following command:

checkov -d ./Kubernetes --framework kubernetes

Try again using the Bridgecrew trial with the API creds.

mv ~/credentials ~/.bridgecrew/
checkov -d ./Terraform
checkov -d ./Kubernetes --framework kubernetes

Finally you can check only the high and critical vulnerabilities by running:

checkov -d ./Terraform --check HIGH

Note that is is only possible with an API key.

Checkov Custom Policy

Now let's create a custom policy that ensures that an S3 bucket doesn't have an acl that is public-read and the tag is Scope="PCI". You can check the file Terraform/s3_pci.tf which will violate our policy.

Examine the S3PCIPrivateACL.py python file where we define the policy and then run the command below:

checkov -f Terraform/s3_pci.tf --external-checks-dir Terraform/checkov_my_extra_checks --check CKV_AWS_999

Notice that using the above command, we specified the exact check that we created with ID: CKV_AWS_999 using the --check flag


tfsec General Overview

To scan the Terraform directory:

tfsec ./Terraform

To output in a JSON format use the following command:

tfsec ./Terraform --format json

You can exclude certain checks by specifying the check ID as below:

tfsec ./Terraform --exclude aws-s3-specify-public-access-block

tfsec Custom Policy

Check the pci_policy_tfchecks.yaml in the .tfsec folder

tfsec ./Terraform


Terrascan General Overview

To scan a single file:

terrascan scan -f Terraform/s3.tf

To scan an entire directory:

terrascan scan -d ./Terraform

Now let's scan our Kubernetes folder

terrascan scan -d ./Kubernetes -i k8s

Terrascan Custom Policy

We’ve included these 2 files in the terrascan_custom_policy folder in our repo under the Terraform folder.

terrascan scan --policy-path ./Terraform/terrascan_custom_policy --policy-path ~/.terrascan/pkg/policies/opa/rego

Notice how we use the --policy-path to point to the directory where our custom rego policies live. The second --policy-path flag points to the general place where terrascan stores all its policies. If you omit the last --policy-path you will only run the scans for the custom policy that we created.