
This a Demo of Port and how to integrate it with GitHub, Pager Duty, and ArgoCD

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This is a repo to explore Port and how to integrate it with GitHub, PagerDuty, and ArgoCD

Connect Dependabot Alerts to Service

You can find detailed instructions in the documentation here.

Pager Duty Integration

You can find detailed instructions in the documentation here.

Start the Integration

We need to run these helm commands in a K8s cluster. Replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with your Port credentials and you can get them here.

Replace token with your Pagerduty token. To obtain it:

  • Hover over your avatar in the top right corner of your Pagerduty app, then click My profile.
  • Click the User settings tab and scroll to the bottom.
  • Click on Create API User Token and provide a name.
  • Copy the new token value.
helm repo add port-labs https://port-labs.github.io/helm-charts
helm upgrade --install my-pagerduty-integration port-labs/port-ocean \
    --set port.clientId="CLIENT_ID" \   # REPLACE VALUE
    --set port.clientSecret="CLIENT_SECRET"  \   # REPLACE VALUE
    --set initializePortResources=true  \
    --set integration.identifier="my-pagerduty-integration"  \
    --set integration.type="pagerduty"  \
    --set integration.eventListener.type="POLLING"  \
    --set integration.secrets.token="token"  \   # REPLACE VALUE
    --set integration.config.apiUrl="https://api.pagerduty.com"

Add an on-call to your services

Display each service's code owners

Update your service's scorecard

Possible daily routine integrations

  • Use Port's API to check for scorecard compliance from your CI and pass/fail it accordingly.
  • Notify periodically via Slack about services that fail gold/silver/bronze validations.
  • Send a weekly/monthly report for managers showing the number of services that do not meet specific standards.