
A systematic literature review on the intersections among energy system modeling, energy justice, and uncertainty analysis.

Primary LanguageTeXCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Review of co-creative processes in energy modelling.


  1. How do localized communities develop energy visions?
  2. How do energy modellers engage with community stakeholders?
  3. Are there any energy models or frameworks that are co-created with stakeholders?
  4. How do localized communities understand energy justice?
  5. To what extent do municipalities use (or not use) energy models?
  6. What is the overlap between energy justice and local energy planning?



  • Energy modelling:
    • Energy systems
    • Energy model
    • Energy modelling
    • Energy system optimization
    • Modelling process
  • Energy justice:
    • Energy justice
    • Energy equity
    • Energy burden
    • Procedural
    • Distribut* justice
    • Recognition
    • Burdens
    • Benefits
  • Location:
    • Municipal
    • Local
    • Community
    • City
  • Planning processes:
    • Energy planning
    • Planning
    • Municipal planning
    • Energy vision
    • Energy goals
    • Decision*making process
    • Participat*
    • Deliberat*
    • Democra*
    • Transpar*
  • Model development:
    • Co*creat*
    • Open*source
    • Model development
    • Code development


  • building
  • machine*learning
  • machine learning
  • artificial intelligence
  • AI
  • Game theory
  • Game theoretic
  • Integrated assessment model


For a given question, a specific combination of keyword sets will be used. For example, for question 6, the search criteria would include words from [Location, Energy justice, planning processes, energy modelling]


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