Takes a sound file, splits that sound file by transients (sound change), sorts those transients by timbre and outputs a midi file with multiple tracks that match the start time, end time, and sorting of the transients
To create a virtual environment and install dependencies
source .env/bin/activate
Run the program by executing
python src/main.py
-i --input required Path to the input soundfile
-o --outfile Name of the output midi file
-s --sr Sample rate of the soundfile if known
-m --midi Path to a .mid file that corresponds to the soundfile, if one exists
-h Help
- the transient separation is currently not very good. It's suggested to use a transient separated midi file, which you can get from Ableton buy right clicking on an audio track and selecting "Slice To New MIDI Track", and then right clicking on the midi track and selecting "Export MIDI Clip..."