Primary LanguageC++

##About This Project This respository is for all files related to modifications of the Sea Perch ROV. The overall goals of this project are to:

  • Make the vehicle controllable from a microcontroller or computer.
  • Enable the vehicle to have the potential to be self contained. This includes:
    • Making the controller waterproof so it can be deployed on the vehicle,
    • Making the battery waterproof so it can go on the vehicle,
    • Writing autonomy scripts for the vehicle.
  • Make the vehicle 'smart', including:
    • Autonomy, regardless of controller location (land or vehicle)
    • Sensor integration (IMUs...)
  • Anything else we think of as we go.

##Organization ###Software Directory The Software directory houses all of the code, Arduino or otherwise, associated with this project. It have two main subdirectories: Vehicle and Computer. ####Vehicle The Vehicle subdirectory is for all sketches that are to be uploaded to the vehicle controller Arduino. ####Computer The Computer subdirectory is for all support software that may exist. This could potentially be remote interfaces, wireless command sequence uploaders, command generators and much more. ###Electrical Directory The Electrical directory is for schematics eagle design files and related to designing the vehicle controller. Additionally it should include parts lists and assembly processes if applicable. ###Hardware Directory The Hardware Design directory is for potential CAD design files for the main structure of the vehicle.
