
Vim file navigation for Elixir projects

Primary LanguageVim script


Vim file navigation for Elixir projects

online source

This plugin supplies quick-nav links for Elixir projects. It gives commands to jump quickly between an Elixir source file and it's associated test.

This plugin is going to work with mix projects where source files are stored under the lib directory and corresponding test files are stored under test. This is not going to work for 1.2.x Phoenix projects with a separate web directory, but will work with 1.3 Phoenix projects where the web directory is moved under lib.

Main commands:

:A - open the 'alternate' file

:AS - open the 'alternate' file in a split window

:AV - open the 'alternate' file in a vertical split window

:AT - open the 'alternate' file in another tab

This work is based on Tim Pope's vim-projectionist plugin.