
Linux Like Console written in gdscript for Godot (Game Engine)

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LinuxLikeConsole (v2.0.1)

Linux Like Console written in gdscript for Godot (Game Engine)

For additional features or problems just write an issue, write an email or Discord cobrapitz#2872


toggle with: key above tab





  • auto completion / suggestion
  • custom commands
  • dragable console
  • built in commands like
    • /man [command]
    • /help or /helpAll (shows user-defined/all commands)
    • /exit (hides console)
    • /alias [newName] [command] [args...]
  • slide in animation
  • predefined and runtime forwarded parameters (runtime forwarding is prioritized)
  • easy BBcode support (like: [b]this is bold[/b])
  • (simple) logging
  • custom/built in themes (arch theme, ubuntu theme, windows, light, dark, new text_only (in v2.0))
  • user mode (commands have priviliges) (v1.1)

Coming in 2.1.0:

  • Fixes for global usage
  • Logging
  • Additional logging functions (warn, error) that send messages in red/yellow
  • Chat

Fully customizeable



  • parameter access of custom functions with Arrays (see example below)

  • window not resizeable (only with 'setDock' in runtime)

How to create custom commands

Short Version
#short version

const CommandRef = preload("res://console/command_ref.gd")
const Console = preload("res://console/console.tscn")

onready var console = $console

func _ready():
    var printRef = CommandRef.new(self, "my_print", CommandRef.COMMAND_REF_TYPE.FUNC, 1)
    var printCommand = Command.new('test_print', printRef, [], 'Custom print.', ConsoleRights.CallRights.USER)

func my_print(input : Array):
    print("This is my first message: %s" % input[0])