LinuxLikeConsole (v2.0.1)
Linux Like Console written in gdscript for Godot (Game Engine)
For additional features or problems just write an issue, write an email or Discord cobrapitz#2872
toggle with: key above tab
Coming in 2.1.0:
- Fixes for global usage
- Logging
- Additional logging functions (warn, error) that send messages in red/yellow
- Chat
Fully customizeable
parameter access of custom functions with Arrays (see example below)
window not resizeable (only with 'setDock' in runtime)
How to create custom commands
#short version
const CommandRef = preload("res://console/")
const Console = preload("res://console/console.tscn")
onready var console = $console
func _ready():
var printRef =, "my_print", CommandRef.COMMAND_REF_TYPE.FUNC, 1)
var printCommand ='test_print', printRef, [], 'Custom print.', ConsoleRights.CallRights.USER)
func my_print(input : Array):
print("This is my first message: %s" % input[0])