
A basic compilation checker

Primary LanguageRakuArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Test::SourceFiles - A basic compilation checker


use Test;
use Test::SourceFiles;




Test::SourceFiles is a simple way to check the compilation of all files in your projects lib/ directory. I found myself rewriting this a couple of times so time to make a module.

The simple way is to call the use-libs-ok function which calls Test::use-ok on each module name returned from the collecting function, collect-sources. Alternately you can call collect-sources and do something fancy with it's Seq of Pair's where the key is a :: formatted name and the value is the IO::Path where it was found. For example:

say collect-sources.perl
# prints ("Test::SourceFiles" => IO::Path.new("lib/Test/SourceFiles.pm6", ...),).Seq

Both functions have the following options and defaults:

  • Str :$root-path = 'lib' - Where to search for source files

  • List :$extensions = list 'pm6' - Which file extensions to include

  • Bool :$verbose = False - Provide more detailed feedback on the search process

Use Case

I find this module particularly useful when I'm starting a project, a time where I'm creating a lot of files while stubbing functions and roles. This module weeds out syntax errors from this sketching stage, allowing for a smoother transition into the implementation stage of the development process. As a module matures and it's test suite fills in this module begins to become less useful and so can likely removed later in a module's life.


Sam Gillespie


Copyright 2018

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.