
Primary LanguagePython

Chalice, Svelte and Postgres Webstack

This is a minimal example of a full-stack serverless web architecture. Every part of this application stack can be developed locally and then pushed to AWS.

Poetry is used as the python package manager.

Root directory

$ make install
  • Installs project-wide dependecies.
  • Installs python modules via poetry.
$ make build-all [stage=<stage>]
  • Goes into each of the subdirectories and runs $ make build stage=<stage>.
  • If is not provided, it uses 'local'.


A custom python system is used to centralize the config files across the components. Throughout project you'll find abc.gen.xyz files that are used to generate corresponding abc.xyz files. They do so by accessing a centralized config object generated at build time in the /config directory, and using a custom syntax to access values in that object. The centralized config object also has syntactic sugar that can reach into the other directories and load in their locally generated files, like build information.

$ make print [stage=<stage>]
  • Prints the config object to stdout.
  • If is provided, it uses the config object for that stage, otherwise all stages.
$ make apply path=<path> [stage=<stage>]
  • Generates the config object and uses it to generate all of the abc.xyz files from the abc.gen.xyz files in the directory specified with <path>. Generally used with a <stage> argument.


The database and database management module. Supports local development.

$ make install
  • Installs docker and pulls the postgres image.
$ make build [stage=<stage>]
  • if stage=local, builds a postgres docker instance for local development.
  • if stage={dev,beta,prod}, builds a postgres RDS instance and a database with the name specified in /config.
$ make start
  • starts the local docker instance.
$ make stop
  • stops the local docker instance.
$ make clear
  • deletes the local docker image.
$ make update
  • applies all of the updates in /db/updates to the target stage database. Keeps track of last update and only applies the newest updates.
  • if stage=local, applies updates to the docker instance.
  • if stage={dev,beta,prod}, applies updates to the corresponding RDS instance.
  • The update file name follows the syntax: <update_#>[.<stage,...>].{sql,json}. Stages can be listed as the middle argument and the update will only apply to those stages. SQL files will run as expected. JSON files will perform a data upload.
$ make rebuild
  • Clears and rebuilds the docker instance.
  • Is the equivalent of make stop; make clear; make build; make start; make update;.
  • Currently only used in the local stage.


A module to deploy and manage a serverless python API, using the chalice software. Supports local development.

$ make install
  • Installs python modules via poetry.
$ make build stage=<stage>
  • Prepares the module to be deployed.
  • Applies the config module to the /api directory.
  • Exports the poetry dependencies in the format expected by chalice.
$ make deploy stage=<stage>
  • Deploys the API to AWS using Chalice.
$ make local
  • Runs the API with hot reloading on localhost for local dev.
$ make clean stage=<stage)
  • Destroys that stage of the API in AWS.


A svelte SPA deployable serverless to the AWS cloud. Supports local development.

$ make install
  • installs dependencies, currently just npm.
$ make build
  • applies the configuration module to /ui.
  • If stage=local, installs the npm packages.
  • If stage={dev,beta,prod}, compiles the svelte code into bundles for deployment.
$ make local
  • runs the svelte code with hot reloading on localhost for local dev.
$ make serve
  • runs the svelte code without hot reloading on localhost.
$ make deploy
  • Pushes the bundles to S3
  • Builds the CloudFront Distribution (with Route53 etc. integration) to serve the bundles.