Modified Mako Templates Test Server

A simple webserver for testing Mako templates for HTML and JSON.
It also has the ability to serve static files. But please do not
use this in a production environment, unless you're crazy. is just a jacked-up version of the script
that comes with a standard Mako install. Modifications are marked
by “S13: description of mod”.


Install Mako:

$ pip install mako

Go to your project's directory:

$ cd /path/to/your/project/directory

Start serving on

/path/to/your/project/directory$ python /path/to/

Or serve on a custom ipaddress and port (both are required):

/path/to/your/project/directory$ python /path/to/ <ip_address>:<port_number>

Cached Templates

Cached/temporary files are stored in /tmp/makoserv in Ubuntu,
that directory is defined in the “temp” variable in line 14.
Change that when using in other OSes.