Takeover script extracts CNAME record of all subdomains at once. TakeOver saves researcher time and increase the chance of finding subdomain takeover vulnerability.
- 0xz4ro
- ahnospell44Orlando, FL, United States
- arthusu
- AV1080pUSA
- cappellem
- chellebot
- circlehkHong Kong
- dontleavemeresonata
- feeloowZee Agency
- felixguerrero12Dallas, Texas
- FortuneC00kie@Alibaba
- greenmind-secJuliusec
- Hostn4me127.0.0.1
- iamprbkrbaroda
- lightoyou
- lordsaibat
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- moon2l
- nmbshiva
- oguzhaninan@binalyze
- pingywon
- Random1984Palookaville
- scalefree[undisclosed]
- silverskyvictoRicksoft Co., Ltd.
- sirrushooUSA
- sjukperro
- slowmistio
- ssssanr
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- tdr130
- tilt41
- volt4ireNYC & Berlin
- w9wEurope, Asia
- xd4rkerGermany
- ZankoyDll1999