
Primary LanguageClojure


My DJ/music producing brother wanted a program to help him sort and organize his music files. You can hear his music here: https://soundcloud.com/ancapdj

Installation on windows

First, install babashka:

Open powershell and run:

# Note: if you get an error you might need to change the execution policy (i.e. enable Powershell) with
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

scoop bucket add scoop-clojure https://github.com/littleli/scoop-clojure
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install babashka

Then, download the script from github to your current powershell directory.

curl -o file-mover.clj https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samhedin/file-mover/main/file-mover.clj

Now everything should be installed. You can confirm everything is set up, and get further instructions, by running

bb file-mover.clj -h