
This is a fork of the Opscode PostgreSQL cookbook, which as been modified to install PostgresQL 9.1 on ubuntu (10.04) as well as support for synchronous replication and hot standby.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a fork of the Opscode PostgreSQL cookbook, which has been modified extensively.

  • Adds support for PostgresQL 9.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) using a PPA.
  • Adds a recipe to create PostgreSQL user accounts and databases (this particular addition couples this to the database cookbook)

Additionally, the server recipe supports configuration for Hot Standby with Streaming replication (optionally synchronous). For more information, see the Attributes and Usage sections below. NOTE that this only works with PostgreSQL 1.9.

TODO: while hot-standby is configured, there's nothing in postgresql that'll do automated failover if the master dies. Typically, that's accomplished by:

  • touching a trigger file on the standby (it'll then act as a master)
  • using some form of IP failover so the Master's IP address is automatically transferred to the standby
  • some STONITH mechanism for the old master, so it doesn't come back online

None of the above are handled automatically in this cookbook.



  • Debian, Ubuntu
  • Red Hat/CentOS/Scientific (6.0+ required) - "EL6-family"
  • Fedora
  • SUSE

Tested on:

  • Ubuntu 10.04, 11.10, 12.04
  • Red Hat 6.1, Scientific 6.1


Requires Opscode's openssl cookbook for secure password generation.

Requires a C compiler and development headers in order to build the pg RubyGem to provide Ruby bindings so they're available in other cookbooks.

Opscode's build-essential cookbook provides this functionality on Debian, Ubuntu, and EL6-family.

While not required, Opscode's database cookbook contains resources and providers that can interact with a PostgreSQL database. This cookbook is a dependency of that one.


The following attributes are set based on the platform, see the attributes/default.rb file for default values.

  • node['postgresql']['version'] - version of postgresql to manage
  • node['postgresql']['dir'] - home directory of where postgresql data and configuration lives.

The following attributes are generated in recipe[postgresql::server].

  • node['postgresql']['password']['postgres'] - randomly generated password by the openssl cookbook's library.
  • node['postgresql']['ssl'] - whether to enable SSL (off for version 8.3, true for 8.4).

The following attribute is used by the setup recipe:

  • node['postgresql']['setup_items'] - a list of data bag items containing user/database information

There are also a number of other attributes defined that control things such as host based access (pg_hba.conf) and hot standby. A few are listed below, but see attributes/default.rb for more information.

  • node['postgresql']['hba'] - a list of address/method hashes defining the ip address that will be able to connect to PostreSQL

Streaming Replication

The following attributes can be modified to enable and configure streaming replication and for a Master or Standby.

  • default[:postgresql][:listen_addresses]
  • default[:postgresql][:master] - Whether a node is a master. Defaults to false. In this case, replication will not be configured, and the rest of the master settings will be ignored.
  • default[:postgresql][:standby] - Whether a node is a standby. Defaults to false. In this case, replication will not be configured, and the rest of the standby settings will be ignored.

Master Server

  • default[:postgresql][:wal_level] - set to hot_standby to enable Hot standby.
  • default[:postgresql][:max_wal_senders]
  • default[:postgresql][:wal_sender_delay]
  • default[:postgresql][:wal_keep_segments]
  • default[:postgresql][:vacuum_defer_cleanup_age]
  • default[:postgresql][:replication_timeout]
  • default[:postgresql][:synchronous_standby_names] - If you want synchronous replication, this must be a string containing a comma-separated list of node names of the standby servers.
  • default[:postgresql][:standby_ips] - A list of IP addresses for standbys. These MUST be specified in a role.

Standby Servers

  • default[:postgresql][:master_ip] - This MUST Be specified in the role. It lets the standby know how to connect to the master.
  • default[:postgresql][:hot_standby] - set to on to enable hot standby.
  • default[:postgresql][:max_standby_archive_delay]
  • default[:postgresql][:max_standby_streaming_delay]
  • default[:postgresql][:wal_receiver_status_interval]
  • default[:postgresql][:hot_standby_feedback]



This recipe just includes the postgresql::client recipe, which installs the postgresql client package and required dependencies.


Adds sources for a PosgresSQL 9.1 package for Ubuntu 10.04. NOTE that this recipe should only be used in Ubuntu 10.04. Newer versions of Ubuntu include PostgreSQL 9.1 in their package repository.

To use this, you'll need to specify the PostgreSQL version and dir attributes. For example, add the folloing to your role:

  :postgresql => {
    :version => "9.1",
    :dir => "/etc/postgresql/9.1/main"  


Installs postgresql client packages and development headers during the compile phase. Also installs the pg Ruby gem during the compile phase so it can be made available for the database cookbook's resources, providers and libraries.


Includes the server_debian or server_redhat recipe to get the appropriate server packages installed and service managed. Also manages the configuration for the server:

  • generates a strong default password (via openssl) for postgres
  • sets the password for postgres
  • manages the pg_hba.conf file.


Installs the postgresql server packages, manages the postgresql service and the postgresql.conf file.


Manages the postgres user and group (with UID/GID 26, per RHEL package conventions), installs the postgresql server packages, initializes the database and manages the postgresql service, and manages the postgresql.conf file.


Creates Roles (user account) and Databases from a data bag. Note that the postgres user's password is automatically created by the server recipe and can be referenced in node['postgresql']['password']['postgres'].


See the database for resources and providers that can be used for managing PostgreSQL users and databases.


On systems that need to connect to a PostgreSQL database, add to a run list recipe[postgresql] or recipe[postgresql::client].

This does install the pg RubyGem, which has native C extensions, so that the resources and providers can be used in the database cookbook, or elsewhere in the same Chef run. Use Opscode's build-essential cookbook to make sure the proper build tools are installed so the C extensions can be compiled.

On systems that should be PostgreSQL servers, use recipe[postgresql::server] on a run list. This recipe does set a password and expect to use it. It performs a node.save when Chef is not running in solo mode. If you're using chef-solo, you'll need to set the attribute node['postgresql']['password']['postgres'] in your node's json_attribs file or in a role.

Streaming Replication/Hot Standby

To set this up, you'd need to:

  1. Bootstrap the Nodes (you've got know know their IP addresses!)
  2. Run the recipe to install a standard postgresql server on both machines.
  3. Log into the Standby machine and shut down postgresql.
  4. Set up Master/Standby Roles (see below) * Make sure both nodes have access to each others' PostgreSQL service by adding the appropriate values for the node['postgresql']['hba'] attribute.
  5. Assign the roles to the appropriate Nodes
  6. Run chef-client on the Master. Wait for it to finish.
  7. Run chef-client on the Standby. It will fail. That's ok... proceed
  8. Hand-configure the standby (It might be possible to script this for one run only, but just do it by hand for now) * kill postgresql on the standby * manually remove everything in /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main except for pg_xlog and recovery.conf
  9. On the master: manually remove /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/.initial_transfer_complete, then re-run chef-client (it will again copy the database data directory over to the standby via rsync, so you'll be prompted for a password unless you've got public keys in place... make sure this step works!)
  10. Restart postgresql on the master, then on the standby
    • Run ps -ef | grep sender on the Master
    • Run ps -ef | grep receiver on the Standby
  11. NOW, running chef-client on both nodes should work without any errors.

Master Role

To configure a Master server, you would need to create a role that sets the appropriate properties. For example, given that you have a node namded db2 with an ip address of, you might create a role similar to the one below:

name "pg_server_master"
description "A PostgreSQL Master"
run_list "recipe[postgresql::server]"

  :postgresql => {
    :version => "9.1",
    :dir => "/etc/postgresql/9.1/main",
    :master => true,
    :listen_addresses => "*",
    :wal_level => "hot_standby",
    :max_wal_senders => 5,
    :standby_ips => [ "", ],
    :synchronous_standby_names => ["db2", ], # Omit this if you don't want synchronous replication
    :hba => [
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '::1/128' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },

Standby Role

To configure a Standby, you could create a similar role. Assuming the master was available at an ip address of

name "pg_server_standby"
description "A PostgreSQL Standby"
run_list "recipe[postgresql::server]"

  :postgresql => {
    :version => "9.1",
    :dir => "/etc/postgresql/9.1/main",
    :standby => true,
    :hot_standby => "on",
    :master_ip => "",
    :hba => [
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '::1/128' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },
        { :method => 'md5', :address => '' },

User/Database Setup

To configure users and databases, create a postgresql data bag, and add items that look similar to the following:

    "id": "sample",
    "users": [
    "databases": [
            "encoding": "utf8"

The, override the node['postgresql']['setup_items'] in a role:

  :postgresql => {
    :setup_items => ["sample", ]  # name of the data bags from which
                                  # user/database info is read.


TODO: include changes added to this repo


  • [COOK-916] - use < (with float) for version comparison.


  • Better support for Red Hat-family platforms
  • Integration with database cookbook
  • Make sure the postgres role is updated with a (secure) password

License and Author

Author:: Joshua Timberman (joshua@opscode.com) Author:: Lamont Granquist (lamont@opscode.com) Author:: Brad Montgomery (bmontgomery@coroutine.com)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.