
Vast.ai python and cli api client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python interface to vast.ai API.

This project includes and is based on the vast.ai command-line interface vast-ai/vast-python:vast.py and is intended to provided an object-oriented python interface to vast.ai resources. It also provides some useful helper methods to run remote commands on running vast.ai Instances.

Functionality is currently incomplete, but should be enough to:

  • Log in
    • Stores user's API key in ~/.vast_api_key by default.
  • Get current list of configured vast.ai Instances
  • Start a configured Instance
  • Stop a running Instance
  • Destroy an Instance

Creating a new instance is not yet supported using the python api. If you'd like to create a new instance that this API can interact with, use the web-based console.

Currently no functionality is implemented for hosting machines.


pip install git+https://github.com/samhiatt/vast-python


Documentation is automatically generated using pdoc and is hosted at https://samhiatt.github.io/vast-python/.


Login to vast.ai with user credentials.

from vastai.api import VastClient

user = VastClient().authenticate('john_doe')

Opens a prompt for password.

Password: ________
Saving api_key to /home/john_doe/.vast_api_key.

Once ~/.vast_api_key has been set username and password are no longer needed for authentication.

user = VastClient().authenticate()  # Providing username e.g. VastClient().authenticate('john_doe') still works.
Initializing user with api_key from /home/john_doe/.vast_api_key.

Get the user's configured instances.

[Model: RTX 2080 Ti, ID: 363020, Net down: 147.2, Days Remaining: 41.6, Cost: $0.2302/hr, Storage: 1GB, Net up: 32.3, GPUs: 1X, RAM: 128.8, vCPUs: 6X, Status: exited, Reliability: 99.7,
 Model: GTX 1070 Ti, ID: 365316, Net down: 312.2, Days Remaining: 17.4, Cost: $0.0804/hr, Storage: 1GB, Net up: 309.6, GPUs: 1X, RAM: 32.0, vCPUs: 4X, Status: exited, Reliability: 97.6,
 Model: GTX 1070 Ti, ID: 365317, Net down: 312.2, Days Remaining: 17.4, Cost: $0.0804/hr, Storage: 1GB, Net up: 309.6, GPUs: 1X, RAM: 32.0, vCPUs: 4X, Status: exited, Reliability: 97.6]

Get a specific instance by id.

ID: 365317, Status: exited, vCPUs: 4X, Storage: 1GB, Cost: $0.0804/hr, RAM: 32.0, Days Remaining: 19.6, Net down: 313.0, Net up: 304.9, GPUs: 1X, Reliability: 97.5, Model: GTX 1070 Ti

Get all the instance attributes as a python dict:

{'gpu_ram': 8119, 'cuda_max_good': 10.0, 'end_date': 1572262468.0, 'gpu_mem_bw': 189.5, 'pcie_bw': 12.5, 'inet_down_cost': 0.1, 'host_id': 115, 'cpu_cores_effective': 4.0, 'ssh_port': 15317, 'status_msg': 'Successfully loaded tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-gpu-py3', 'actual_status': 'exited', 'has_avx': 1, 'pci_gen': 3.0, 'inet_down': 312.2, 'gpu_lanes': 16, 'flops_per_dphtotal': 115.582106812386, 'inet_down_billed': 3715.402344, 'dph_total': 0.0804199218749999, 'image_runtype': 'ssh', 'image_args': [], 'storage_cost': 4.0, 'num_gpus': 1, 'driver_version': '410.78', 'dph_base': 0.0749999999999999, 'min_bid': 0.090125, 'is_bid': False, 'inet_up_billed': 1299.050781, 'duration': 1504431.46089625, 'reliability2': 0.9762622, 'gpu_name': 'GTX 1070 Ti', 'storage_total_cost': 0.005419921875, 'start_date': 1563920386.97885, 'dlperf': None, 'disk_space': 0.9755859375, 'inet_up': 309.6, 'gpu_display_active': False, 'dlperf_per_dphtotal': None, 'ssh_host': 'ssh5.vast.ai', 'bundle_id': None, 'disk_bw': 2478.52220648348, 'machine_id': 940, 'cur_state': 'stopped', 'ssh_idx': '5', 'rentable': True, 'disk_name': 'KINGSTON', 'next_state': 'stopped', 'jupyter_token': 'f09046a39f4de185ed89dd587c6b48b23c7e88cc3575b2b6ce36b3d506ab3737', 'id': 365317, 'external': False, 'webpage': None, 'intended_status': 'stopped', 'total_flops': 9.295104, 'mobo_name': 'X399 Taichi', 'image_uuid': 'tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-gpu-py3', 'inet_up_cost': 0.1, 'gpu_temp': 32.0, 'label': None, 'cpu_name': 'AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8-Core Processor', 'gpu_frac': 0.25, 'cpu_cores': 16, 'logo': '/static/logos/vastai_small2.png', 'compute_cap': 610, 'gpu_util': 0.0, 'cpu_ram': 32028}

Start a stopped instance.

Starting instance 365317.

Run a remote command on an Instance over ssh.

instance.run_command('pip install --upgrade pip')
Connecting to ssh5.vast.ai:15317 
Running command 'pip install --upgrade pip'
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (19.2.3)

This connects to the instance over SSH using the ssh key detected by user.get_ssh_key_file().

get_ssh_key_file() looks for a public ssh key matching the ssh key provided in the vast.ai console and returns the file name corresponding to the private ssh key used to connect to running instances. If this key is not found it will raise an error.

PrivateSshKeyNotFound                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-0bf791de7402> in <module>
----> 1 user.get_ssh_key_file()

~/Downloads/vast-python/src/vastai/api.py in get_ssh_key_file(self, key_dir)
    131                     if f.read().strip()==self.ssh_key.strip():
    132                         return pub_key_file[:-4]
--> 133         raise PrivateSshKeyNotFound(key_dir, self.ssh_key)
    135     def get_instance(self, id):

PrivateSshKeyNotFound: Could not find ssh key in /home/john_doe/.ssh/ matching public key: ...

Stop a running instance.

Stopping instance 365317.