
Frame is a light-weight HTML scaffold for you to test your stylesheets against. That's all, just a HTML document with lots of elements. It's useful!


Frame is a light-weight HTML scaffold for you to test your stylesheets against.
That's all, just a HTML document with lots of elements. It's useful!

Using Frame

Do what you like with it! I use it when I'm starting a new site build to test my initial (mainly typographic) styles; just grab the HTML file and stick your stylesheet in it. You can see an example of this in use on my personal website.

Here are some other ideas:

  • Test your blog/CMS themes
  • Use it to build rough style-guides for clients
  • Fork it and build your own scaffold
  • Use it to illustrate my misundersanding of how certain elements should be marked up ;)


Copyright 2013, Rowan Manning
Licensed under the MIT license.