This Docker container can be used to compile drivers for unRAID.


Note: Below, we use 6.1.64-Unraid as the kernel version. You can see what your current kernel version is by running uname -r.

  1. Copy unRAID's kernel patches from your unRAID server, found at /usr/src/<kernel version> into patches/.
  2. Copy your driver source into drivers.
  3. Then build the container
    docker build . # or docker-compose build driver-compiler
  4. Run the container
    docker-compose run driver-compiler
  5. Build the drivers
    make -C =/lib/modules/6.1.64-Unraid/build/ M=/drivers/Linux modules
    # or is it?
  6. Copy the compiled driver (99xx.ko) to your unraid's flash drive, at /boot/config/user/unraid-driver-compiler/compiled-drivers
  7. Add the following to your boot script (/boot/config/go):
    mkdir -p /lib/modules/6.1.64-Unraid/kernel/drivers/serial
    cp 99xx.ko  /lib/modules/6.1.64-Unraid/kernel/drivers/serial
    depmod -A
    chmod +x mcs99xx
    mkdir -p /etc/init.d/
    cp mcs99xx /etc/init.d/
    mkdir -p /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/
    mkdir -p /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/
    ln -s /etc/init.d/mcs99xx /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/Smcs99xx || true  	
    ln -s /etc/init.d/mcs99xx /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/Smcs99xx || true
    modprobe 99xx


Big thanks to the instructions in this thread:

1. download kernel sources from, notice that should be same or related version of unraid(like 4.19.94 which 6.8.2 used)
2. unarchive the kernel source zip, like kernel-4.19.94/
3. copy the patches and .config (important!) from unraid server which located at /usr/src (like /usr/src/linux-4.19.94-Unraid/) to step 2 source directory
4. (Optional) copy custom patches like navi patches or others to source directory too
5. apply patches: find . -type f -iname '*.patch' -print0|xargs -n1 -0 patch -p 1 -i
6. use old config : make oldconfig
7. compile the kernel and modules: make -j5 bzImage; make -j5; make -j5 modules
8. installing the modules, then you can find the module directory in /lib/modules: sudo make modules_install
9. Copy the kernel image: cp sources/linux-4.19.94/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage releases/6.8.2-4.19.94/bzimage
10. (Optional) ThirdParty modules compiling (like nic r8125 outtree driver):
    1. enter the thirdparty driver directory
    2. compile the module: make -C /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid//build M=(pwd)/src modules
    3. install the module to direcotry: sudo make -C /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/build M=(pwd)/src INSTALL_MOD_DIR=kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/ modules_install
    4. you can check whether the module exists in /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/
11. archive the modules to bzimage: mksquashfs /lib/modules/4.19.94-Unraid/ releases/4.19.94/bzmodules -keep-as-directory -noappend
12. Then you get the bzimage and bzmodules, copy it to unraid server: /boot/