
Custom Exotic Pomodoro Timer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Custom Exotic Pomodoro Timer

by Team Goblin Shark sAram Krakirian, Harvey Nwynn, Joey Ma, Ulrich Neujahr and Victor Wang

  1. What is the problem you’re solving?
  • Time / Work Management.
  • People often encounter distractions during work that reduce productivity and struggle to find the time to rest.
  1. What is the solution?
  • Custom Exotic Pomodoro.
  • Customizable, modular timer (for work & rest, among other things).
  1. What is the MVP scope? (core features you must get working)
  • Implement CRUD:
    • Create new customized preset timers for any task
    • Read from preset timers stored in the database
    • Update customized timer options
    • Delete customized timers
  • Save timers specific to users?
    • Could be done with a log-in feature
    • Could be just storing on the page (db)
  1. What are the tough technical challenges involved with solving this problem?
  1. What are the stretch goals?
  • Implement different UI/UX themes for users to choose from.
  • Tracking of time and of tasks.
  • Add a stopwatch feature.
  • Simultaneous running of timer/stopwatch.
  • Make API calls to retrieve quotes/music/etc. when the timer expires.
  • Port app as Chrome/VS Code extension.
  • Allow the timer to go off even if the user leaves the web page. (cookie, local storage).
  1. What is the technology stack?
  • MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)
  1. Team Responsibility breakdown: Who’s working on which part?
  • Joey: React / Front-End -> Hybrid
  • Aram: Backend
  • Victor: Back-end / Auth_Session
  • Harvey: React hooks / back-end
  • Ulrich: React / Front-end