Checo Perez 🚗
Static Web Page about Sergio "Checo Pérez".
About 💡
It's a simple responsive web page with the purpose of practicing HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, which is a framework that facilitates the web layout process, to which personally, I'm not going to invest too much time or I hope so...
You can check the page on the next link >>>
Tools 🔨
Here are the links I used for this project.
Evidently, I didn't use all the elements and tools, however, I consider that it was a good result for my first project.
The elements that I can highlight are the following:
- Navbars
- Footers
- Dropdowns
- Breakpoints
- Containers
- Media Querys
- Grid
- Forms
- Utilities
- Override styles
- Cards
- Icons
- Modify svgs
- Sending to email
- Responsive
- And more...
This page started as a challenge from my friend Juanito