
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A command line tool to process images (JPGs and PNGs) and assign tags (searchable keywords) to them using Clarifai API. Tagged images can then be searched using your operating system search application (Mac: cmd + spacebar, Windows: ctrl + F3)

Example Usage


mvn clean package

export CLARIFAI_APP_ID=your_client_id
export CLARIFAI_APP_SECRET=your_client_secret

java -jar target/Tagifai-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/absolute/path/to/directory/that/contains/images-to-tag/ [-D]

* Optional -D tag to specify whether or not to delete the original files after tagging them. 

Results will be under folder parentFolder/Output/


To avoid having to provide the API keys everytime you wanted to run the app Add the api keys to your enviornment variable. (.bashrc, .zshrc, .fishrc or if you are in windows just search enviornment variabls) Alternately modifay ClarifaiClient constructor in the Tagifai.java ''' ClarifaiClient clarifai = new ClarifaiClient(APP_ID, APP_SECRET); '''


  • JDK 8 or later
  • Maven
  • Clarifai's free account


  • Add tags for dropbox/google-photos able to search the files
  • Add an easy to use interface