
A Scala program to compress a directory and extract an archive

Primary LanguageScala


A Scala archiver program to archive under different compression codecs. The output are chunked files of a given size

Currently using Zip but easily extendable to GZip or LZip

How to build

Like any SBT project, please see here


> scala scalarchiver.jar --help
Scalarchiver 0.1.0
Usage: scalarchiver [compress|extract] [options]

  -i, --in <file>          Path to Input directory
  -o, --out <file>         Path to Output directory
Command: compress [options]
Create a new archive containing the specified items.
  -s, --chunkSize <MB>     Maximum compressed size per file expressed in MB
Command: extract
Extract to disk from the archive.
  --version                Print version information and quit
  --help                   prints this usage text and quit



Will compress all the files and directory present in /path/to/input to /path/to/output and will generate some files like archive.part.0, archive.part.1 ... archive.part.n where which chunk will have a size of 2MB

> scala scalarchiver.jar compress -i /path/to/input -o /path/to/output -s 2


Will take the chunk files from /path/to/input an extract their content to /path/to/output

> scala scalarchiver.jar extract -i /path/to/input -o /path/to/output


  • Improve exception management
  • Add some unit tests
  • Make the compression process run in parallel