
Klay is an end-to-end encrypted chat app

Primary LanguageVue


Klay is an end-to-end encrypted chat app.

Works on the web, and as a mobile app.

(Can be a bit slow because it's hosted on a $5 droplet on DigitalOcean)

DigitalOcean Referral Badge

Dev.to Post



Web: https://klay-arnu515.vercel.app/

Android: https://appwrite.arnu515.tk/v1/storage/buckets/files/files/klay.apk/download?project=klay

(You may get a Play Protect error while installing the app. You can ignore that error. It happens because the certificate is self signed).

Compile the app on your own

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make sure you have completed the required environment setup
  3. Run yarn install in the frontend directory, and yarn install in the frontend/src-capacitor directory.
  4. Add an .env file with these contents in the frontend directory:
# Appwrite stuff

# URL of the backend
  1. Run npx quasar run -T capacitor -m android/ios depending on your phone's operating system.