
Real practice for TestNG using Java integrated with Xray and Jira

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Xray integration Step-By-Step

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🏃 For getting your hands dirty faster to run this project:

  • Clone it to Intellij or your favorite IDE.
  • Add your xray API Key credentials under src/test/resources/TestDataFiles/xrayLogin.json
  • At this class src/test/java/com/tests/PublishXrayResults , change x-ray project_key and test_plan_key to be your Jira matched keys for the postExecutionReportBackToXray test method.
  • For the whole test methods inside CalcTest and SampleTest classes, change requirement_key attributes for the whole @Requirement annotation to be your Jira requirement that you need it to be linked to test method.
  • Run the run.bat file by right click and run or navigate to the .bat file location and double click it.
  • If you have linux os then navigate to the run.sh file, open terminal then type bash run.sh and hit enter.

For getting the "testng.xml" file which can be uploaded to Jira Xray:

Navigate to the target folder, expand it, and under surefire-reports you'll find the testng.xml file.

For deleting the "target" folder after execution:

Append this command rd /s /Q target to the run.bat file.
Append this command rm -rf target to the run.sh file.