
Build And Deploy Next.js 14 Full Stack Project with React , Tailwind, Grafbase and Vercel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Title : Dribble


A full stack Dribble clone developed using Next.js, GraphQL, Next Auth, TypeScript, and tailwindcss features all the necessary features of dribble from sharing and showcasing projects.


👉 Modern Design Home Page: Features a clean and modern design resembling Dribbble, with a visually appealing interface showcasing project previews and navigation.

👉 Browsing and Pagination: Browse different projects, filter them by category, and experience smooth pagination for seamless data exploration.

👉 Authentication & Authorization System: A fully functional authentication and authorization system allows users to log in securely using JWT and Google authentication.

👉 Create Post Page: Provides a dedicated space for users to share their projects with the community. It includes fields for project details, images, and other relevant information.

👉 Project Details and Related Projects: A detailed view with related projects functionality, enabling users to explore more projects within the same category or theme.

👉 Edit and Re-upload Images: Users have the capability to edit previously created projects, including the ability to re-upload images from their devices to the cloud for updates.

👉 Delete Projects: The delete functionality simplifies project removal with a one-click process, streamlining the user experience.

👉 Portfolio-Style User Profile Page: The user profile page adopts a portfolio-style layout, displaying the user's projects along with the project profiles of other users for easy exploration.

👉 Backend API Routes: Backend API routes for handling JWT token management for secure authentication and image uploading, supporting seamless integration with the frontend.

Set-up env










Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.