
An example todo list app showcasing embedded integrations with Paragon.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Paragon Sample App

Deploy Deploy with Vercel

This is an example app based on TodoMVC in React and the Next.js starter project.

For more info on adding Paragon to your app, see:

  • 🎥 Implementation walkthrough video (~5m): Watch how to add the client-side SDK, generate the Paragon User Token, and interact with the Events API. This repo is the code for TaskLab, featured in the demo!

  • 📄 Setup documentation: Get step-by-step instructions adding the SDK in many common app authentication scenarios.

Getting started


To use all of the features of this demo, you will need a Paragon account.

Paste in your Project ID and Signing Key into the values of .env.local, at the root of the repository.



This demo requires Node.js (>= 16.x) to be installed.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the application dev server:

npm start

After the demo has started, it will print the local URL you can visit:

> Ready on http://localhost:3000