Deep Learning Exploration (deepx)


This repository contains some work that I have done to port Python based models to C++. This is completely exploratory and just to maintain my curiosity.

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning with LibTorch.
  • Natural Language Processing with LibTorch.
  • gRPC based client and server to with OpenAI Gym. This opens up LibTorch to used in many exciting ways.

Protobuf and gRPC

Setting up C++ versions of protobuf and grpc to compatiable with cmake is indeed exploratory. The setup that worked for me:

  1. Install protobuf from source:

  2. Install grpc:

    $ git clone -b $(curl -L
    $ cd grpc
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ make && sudo make install
  3. Use cmake configurations as described in:

  4. Setup gRPC Python as described in:

  5. gym_env_pb2*.py files are already available in rl-cpp directory. But, if you feel like generating them (may be some changes in gym_env.proto), use the following command within the rl-cpp directory:

    $ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. gym_env.proto
  6. To start gRPC Gym server:

    $ python python
  7. Download latest LibTorch C++ from

  8. Set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the unzipped location.

DQN - CartPole Example

To execute DQN - CartPole Example

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j2
# <on terminal 1>
$ python python
# <on termina 2>
$ ./deepx_cpp

CUDA available! Training on GPU.
frame_id: 300 mean_value: 23.4
frame_id: 400 mean_value: 19.8
frame_id: 500 mean_value: 21.5
frame_id: 600 mean_value: 28.1
frame_id: 9300 mean_value: 221.6
frame_id: 9400 mean_value: 222.2
frame_id: 9500 mean_value: 222.2
frame_id: 9600 mean_value: 222.3
frame_id: 9700 mean_value: 222.3
frame_id: 9800 mean_value: 222.8
frame_id: 9900 mean_value: 222.8
frame_id: 10000 mean_value: 207.2

Ubuntu 18.04 fixes

Saminda Abeyruwan (