
Here is a bot running on discord.js which links one, or multiple minecraft servers to a discord channel!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to use it

First of all, install node.js Once installed, open this folder (use cd path/to/directory) and then type npm install in the console. It will install all the require libraries. Launch the bot with node main.js. You can have as many servers as you like in the config.json file! Don't forget to activate in each server.properties these fields:

  • enable-rcon: true
  • rcon-port:
  • rcon-password:
  • enable-query: true
  • query-port:

Sometimes, it might crash because of the RCON, which can be buggy sometimes. I encourage you to use the npm package called nodemon, to automatically restart when it has crashed. To use it, first do npm install -g nodemon, and then do nodemon main.js. You can stop the process with killall node.


In addition of the minecraft linking, you can also do:

  • !execute (in the right bridge channel): executes the command on the server (settings in config.json)
  • !scoreboard :
    • In game, displays the scoreboard
    • On discord, shows the list of all the scores for all the whitelisted players
  • !online: gives a list of all the online players on every server


Developped by samipourquoi. Some ideas come from Daniel (from the Hypnos server). Bot made for the Minecraft technical server called EndTech. Contact me via the EndTech's discord.