This project is a back-end for a movie rental company. He did most of the things you need to start and grow a movie rental company. It has authentication, authorization, user registration, customer registration, creation of new location and error handling and some other features.
For database I use mongodb.
I'm doing the front end in a separate project so this code might change in the future.
- [NodeJS]
- [Express]
- [MongoDB]
- [Express-async-errors]
- [Winston]
- [Joi]
- [Mongoose]
- [JWT]
- Authentication
- Authorization
- User Registration
- Customer Registration
- Movie Registration
- Genre Registration
- Creating a new location
- Handling Errors
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go to the folder
$ cd vidly
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Finally, run
$ node or if you have nodemon index.js
# You can use apps that make requests to test the routes