Besu Blockchain for GNC Project

This repository contains a custom blockchain network based on Hyperledger Besu, designed to be used by the GNC project. The network follows the Clique consensus algorithm.

Getting Started

To set up the Besu blockchain network, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd besu-blockchain

2.1 Create Project Directory:

mkdir -p {Node-1,Node-2,Node-3}/data
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 Node-*
cd Node-1
docker run  -v ./data:/var/lib/besu hyperledger/besu:latest --data-path=/var/lib/besu public-key export-address --to=/var/lib/besu/node1Address
  1. Docker Compose Configuration: The docker-compose.yml file defines the network configuration. It includes three Besu nodes (node-1, node-2, and node-3) with specific settings.

    • Node 1 (node-1):

      • Data path: /opt/besu/data
      • Genesis file: /opt/besu/cliqueGenesis.json
      • Network ID: 123
      • RPC HTTP enabled
      • Host allowlist: "*"
      • CORS origins: "all"
      • Ports: 30303 (P2P), 8545 (RPC HTTP)
    • Node 2 (node-2):

      • Similar configuration to node-1
      • Bootnodes: Connects to node-1
      • Ports: 30304 (P2P), 8546 (RPC HTTP)
    • Node 3 (node-3):

      • Similar configuration to node-1
      • Bootnodes: Connects to node-1
      • Ports: 30305 (P2P), 8547 (RPC HTTP)
  2. Volumes and Data Persistence:

    • Data directories for each node are mapped to local directories (e.g., ./Node-1/data).
    • The cliqueGenesis.json file is also mapped to each node.
  3. Network Configuration:

    • The network uses a custom bridge network named chain_net.
    • IP addresses are assigned to each node within the subnet
  4. Start the Network:

    docker-compose up -d
  5. Access Nodes:

Additional Resources

Feel free to explore and customize this Besu blockchain network for your GNC project! 🚀