
allows to link "select" elements

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Allows to link "select" elements

It works without jquery!

How to use

  1. create "select" element with attribute data-select-binder
  2. link it with other "select" element via id - just use data-target-id
  3. define linked indexes via data-bind-index attributes in the "option" elements
  4. connect select-binder.min.js after the created element or before "body" closing tag
  5. following connect common page script and use SelectBinder API

Also you can create it using javaScript notation


You can affect individual elements or groups of them using the special API.
SelectBinder API provide methods:

  • chooseIndex(index)
  • chooseValue(value)
  • chooseText(text)
  • destroy()

SelectBinder static method allows to affect the specific elements:

  • getById(id) - get API object by id of the element


// create instance by class
var brand = new SelectBinder(".brand");

// or get created instances using id
var brand = SelectBinder.getById("brand");

// destroy it
	<select id="brand" name='brand' data-select-binder data-target-id='model'>
	    <option value='Brand-1' data-bind-index='0,3,5,7'>Brand-1</option>
	    <option value='Brand-2' data-bind-index='1,2,4'>Brand-2</option>
	    <option value='Brand-3' data-bind-index='6,8,9'>Brand-3</option>

	<select id='model' name='model'>
		<option value='Model-1'>Model-1</option>
		<option value='Model-2'>Model-2</option>
		<option value='Model-3'>Model-3</option>
		<option value='Model-4'>Model-4</option>
		<option value='Model-5'>Model-5</option>
		<option value='Model-6'>Model-6</option>
		<option value='Model-7'>Model-7</option>
		<option value='Model-8'>Model-8</option>
		<option value='Model-9'>Model-9</option>
		<option value='Model-10'>Model-10</option>
	<script src="js/select-binder/select-binder.min.js"></script>
	<script src="js/common.js"></script>

Thank's for using.
Developed by Ustinov Maxim - ewclide