
Build Blog CMS (Content Management System) with Laravel 7

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Blog CMS (Content Management System) with Laravel 7

Clone this repo


Install composer packages

$ cd laravel-7-blog-cms
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Create and setup .env file

make a copy of .env.example and rename to .env
$ php artisan key:generate
put database credentials in .env file

Migrate and insert records

$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan tinker
$ factory(App\User::class, 5)->create();
$ factory(App\Post::class, 100)->create();
$ exit
$ php artisan db:seed --class=CategoriesTableSeeder
$ php artisan tinker
$ factory(App\CategoryPost::class, 100)->create();

Use storate images

$ php artisan storage:link

Mail setup

visit at : https://mailtrap.io/
put mail credentials in .env file

Facing any problem? Contact with me

Click on the image bellow to see YouTube video.

Laravel 7 Blog CMS

Please visit my website. samironbarai.com