Logistic Price Calculation API

Table of Contents


The Logistic Price Calculation API is a RESTful service that calculates transport prices based on route details provided in the request. The API uses the Google Directions API to determine the total distance between multiple addresses and calculates the price for different vehicle types based on this distance.

Technologies Used

  • Docker compose
  • PHP 8.2
  • Lumen Framework
  • MongoDB
  • cURL for HTTP requests
  • Google Directions API
  • PHPUnit for testing
  • Redis for caching
  • PHPStan for static analysis
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD


  • Transport Price Calculation: Calculate prices for different vehicle types based on the total distance between multiple addresses.
  • Basic Authentication: Secures the API with Basic Authentication using an API key.
  • Input Validation: Validates the input to ensure addresses exist in the database.
  • Error Handling: Provides detailed error messages for invalid requests or API errors.

Setup and Installation

  • Clone the repository
  • docker-compose up --build


  • docker exec -it logistics_app ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Static Analysis

  • docker exec -it logistics_app ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyze app

CI/CD Pipeline

  • The GitHub Actions workflow is defined in the .github/workflows
  • Triggering Events: The pipeline runs on push and pull_request events targeting the main branch. Composer Validation: Ensures that the Composer configuration is valid. Dependency Management: Efficiently handles dependencies using caching and installation steps. Static Analysis and Testing: Ensures code quality through PHPStan and PHPUnit.

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