Installation: ------------- Compile using apxs. apxs may not be available by default on systems. You might have to install the required package containing apxs. Generally it comes with the apache devel package. For instance in ubuntu you could install apache2-prefork-dev. You will also need libapr and libapr-dev. Something like the following command should work for the compilation. sudo apxs2 -i -a -c <path to mod_dosblock_module.c> You might have to reload/restart your apache after this Configuration: --------------- Currently we support the following directives DosBlockUrl, DosBlockHeader, DosBlockRule, DosBlockVerbose You can define a url based subrule using the following syntax DosBlockUrl <name of the url subrule> < regexp pattern> Example DosBlockUrl myurlrule /test Header based subrule can be defined as follows DosBlockHeader <name of the header subrule> <header name> <regexp pattern> Example: DosBlockHeader myheaderrule User-Agent mozilla Then you use the following syntax to do the real blocking DosBlockRule <dos rule name>:<name of the subrule> <threshold rate (hits per sec)> <time till blockage ( in secs)> Example: DosBlockRule dosblock_header:myheaderrule 2 60 A complete example: ------------------- DosBlockUrl myurlrule /test DosBlockRule blocktest:myurlrule 50 120 In case you want to enable debugging you can set DosBlockVerbose On Verbose logging is off by default