Blade is a powerful templating engine provided with Laravel for working with PHP and HTML. It provides various directives to make your views more expressive and concise.
- Laravel Blade Cheat Sheet
The @extends
directive is used to inherit a layout.
The @section
directive defines a section that can be overwritten in child views.
// content of the section
The @yield
directive is used to output the contents of a section.
The @parent
directive is used to display the content of the parent section.
// additional content
The @include
directive is used to include a sub-view.
The @if
directive is used for conditional statements.
// code to execute if condition is true
// code to execute if another condition is true
// code to execute if none of the conditions are true
The @empty
directive checks if a variable is empty.
// code to execute if the variable is empty
The @foreach
directive is used to iterate over arrays or objects.
@foreach($items as $item)
// code to execute for each item
The @for
directive is used for simple loop iterations.
@for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
// code to execute for each iteration
The @forelse
directive is used to display a list of items with an optional message if the list is empty.
@forelse($items as $item)
// code to execute for each item
// code to execute if the list is empty
The @while
directive is used for indefinite loop iterations.
// code to execute while the condition is true
The {{ }}
directive is used to echo the contents of a variable.
{{ $variable }}
The {!! !!}
directive outputs the contents without escaping HTML entities.
{!! $htmlContent !!}
The {{-- --}}
directive is used to add comments in Blade templates.
{{-- This is a blade comment --}}
The @auth
directive checks if the user is authenticated.
// code to execute if the user is authenticated
The @guest
directive checks if the user is a guest.
// code to execute if the user is a guest
The @can
directive checks if the user has a certain permission.
// code to execute if the user has the permission
The @cannot
directive checks if the user does not have a certain permission.
// code to execute if the user does not have the permission
The @canany
directive checks if the user has any of the given permissions.
@canany(['permission1', 'permission2', ... , 'permissionN'])
// code to execute if the user has any of the given permissions
The @env
directive checks the application environment.
// code to execute if the application is in the local environment
The @production
directive checks if the application is in production environment.
// code to execute if the application is in production environment
These are the commonly used Blade directives in Laravel for templating and controlling the presentation logic of your views.