Rajuk Rajib Cosmo Shopping Complex, Level-5, Plot-71, Sector-7, Ajampur, Uttara, Dhaka-1230 Mobile No:01841801180 | email: info@pondit.com | Website: www.pondit.com
Session Plan | Outline |
Session 01 | OrientationCourse Plan DiscussionDevelopment ToolsGroup Preparation |
Session 02 | Agile And Clean Code, Git And Try Git |
Session 03 | HTML5 |
Session 04 | CSS3 |
Session 05 | CSS3 |
Session 06 | Bootstrap 1 |
Session 07 | Bootstrap 2 |
Session 08 | Project 1 : Prepare an Ecommerce Website using Bootstrap |
Session 09 | PHP HistoryPHP Syntax And CommentsPHP VariablePHP ConstantsData TypeFile Include |
Session 10 | Variable Handling FunctionsString Functions |
Session 11 | OperatorsSuper GLobal VariablesControl Structure(if/else) |
Session 12 | ExpressionsControlStrucuture(for/foreach)Array and Array Function |
Session 13 | File Function |
Session 14 | OOP ConceptHello World in OOPNamespaceComposer |
Session 15 | Class and ObjectPropertiesMethod |
Session 16 | ExtendsOverloadingPublicPrivateProtectedMagic Method |
Session 17 | Project 2: Use of PHP to centralize repeating codes of the Ecommerce Website |
Session 18 | SQL & Database Design Part 1 |
Session 19 | SQL & Database Design Part 3 |
Session 20 | Understand CRUD |
Session 21 | CRUD Work 1 |
Session 22 | CRUD Work 2 |
Session 23 | CRUD Work 3 |
Session 24 | Project 3: Develop and Implement Database Driven Product and Category Module Using OOP |
Session 25 | Discussion on Polymorphism in OOPAbstractInterfaceThird Party Code Integration ( PDF, EMAIL) |
Session 26 | JavaScript And jQuery |
Session 27 | jQuery/Ajax |
Session 28 | Introduction to Framework |
Session 29 | Routing and Controller |
Session 30 | Views & Blade Templating |
Session 31 | Laravel Project-1 |
Session 32 | Migration |
Session 33 | Seeding |
Session 34 | CRUD |
Session 35 | CRUD Finishing |
Session 36 | Laravel Project-2 |
Session 37 | Soft Delete, Third Party Libraries and Notifications |
Session 38 | Security/Protection |
Session 39 | Eloquent one to one relationship CRUD |
Session 40 | Eloquent one to many relationship CRUD |
Session 41 | Eloquent many to many relationship CRUDEloquent one to many relationship CRUD |
Session 42 | Eloquent has one through & has many through relationshipEloquent one to many relationship CRUD |
Session 43 | Eloquent one to one, one to many and many to many polymorphic relationshipEloquent one to many relationship CRUD |
Session 44 | Project day-1 |
Session 45 | Project day-2 |
Session 46 | Project day-3 |
Session 47 | Project day-4 |
Session 48 | Project day-5 |
Session 49 | Project day-6 |
Session 50 | Project day-7 |
Session 51 | Project day-8 |
Session 52 | Project day-9 |
Session 53 | Project day-10 |
Session 54 | Laravel Final Project Presentation |
Session 55 | Summative Assessment |