BuzzHire Cal Exercise
Install and run
Clone/download repo
$ npm install
to download and install required packages -
$ npm start
to start the server -
App will run on http://localhost:8080
This App is built using the React framework with Redux on Node.js. Modular principles are followed and in most cases functionalities are a seperated.
Bootstrap and React-Bootstrap-Table are used for very basic styling. I'm not sure I'd reccomend React-Bootstrap-Table now I've used it... (hindsight)
Write a web client consuming this API and displaying a calendar of the current week with the events.
- Design is up to you
- You may use any library or framework you may find appropriate. This is highly encouraged.
If you have time, feel free to improve the calendar and add more features : [x] Navigation between weeks [ ] Use category as a color for the events [ ] Display calendar in client timezone rather than UTC [ ] Caching / prefetching data [ ] Week / Month view [ ] Handle overlapping events [ ] CSS transitions when navigating [ ] Responsiveness [ ] etc.