This is a repository for Hidden-utility Self-Play.

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This is a repository for Hidden-utility Self-Play.


conda create -n hsp
conda activate marl
pip install torch==1.5.1+cu101 torchvision==0.6.1+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
cd hsp
pip install -e . 
pip install wandb icecream setproctitle gym seaborn tensorboardX slackweb psutil slackweb pyastar2d einops

We use wandb to monitor logs. See the the official website and the code for some examples.


Our experiments are conducted in three layouts from On the Utility of Learning about Humans for Human-AI Coordination, named Asymmetric Advantages, Coordination Ring, and Counter Circuit, and two designed layouts, named Distant Tomato and Many Orders. These layouts are named "unident_s", "random1", "random3", "distant_tomato" and "many_orders" respectively in the code.


All training scripts are under directory hsp/scripts. All methods consist of two stages, in the first of which a pool of policies are trained and in the second of which an adaptive policy is trained against this policy pool.


To train self-play policies, change layout to one of "unident_s"(Asymmetric Advantages), "random1"(Coordination Ring), "random3"(Counter Circuit), "distant_tomato"(Distant_Tomato) and "many_orders"(Many Orders) and run ./train_overcooked_sp.sh.


In the first stage, run ./train_sp_all_S1.sh to train 12 polcicies via self-play on each layout. After the first stage training is done, run python extract_sp_S1_models.py to extract init, middle and final checkpoints of the self-play policies into the policy pool. At this step, the policy pools of FCP on all layouts should be in the directory hsp/policy_pool/LAYOUT/fcp/s1.

In the second stage, run ./train_fcp_all_S2.sh to train an adaptive policy against the policy pool for each layout.


We reimplemented Maximum Entropy Population-Based Training for Zero-Shot Human-AI Coordination and achieved significant higher episode reward when paired with human proxy models than reported in original paper.

For the first stage, run ./train_mep_all_S1.sh. After training is finished, run python extract_mep_S1_models.py to extract checkpoints of the MEP policies into the policy pool.

For the second stage, run ./train_mep_all_S2.sh.


Important: Please make sure you finished the first stage training of MEP before the second stage of HSP.

For the first stage, run ./train_hsp_all_S1.sh. After training is finished, run python extract_hsp_S1_models.py to collect HSP policies into the policy pool.

Then run ./eval_events_all.sh to do evaluation to obtain event features for each pair of biased policy and adaptive policy in HSP. After evaluation is done, for each layout, run python hsp/greedy_select.py --layout LAYOUT --k 18 to select HSP policies in a greedy manner and generate configuration of policy pool automatically.

For the second stage, run ./train_hsp_all_S2.sh.


Run ./eval_overcooked.sh for evaluation. You can change the layout name, path to YAML file of population configuration and policies to evaluate in eval_overcooked.sh. To evaluate with script policies, change policy name to a string with script: as prefix, for example, script:place_onion_and_deliver_soup. For more script policies, check script_agent.py under the overcooked environment directories.

TODO: more detailed evaluation.


If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:

title={Learning Zero-Shot Cooperation with Humans, Assuming Humans Are Biased},
author={Chao Yu and Jiaxuan Gao and Weilin Liu and Botian Xu and Hao Tang and Jiaqi Yang and Yu Wang and Yi Wu},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations },