
A statically typed procedural programming language written (for now) in Java

Primary LanguageJava


Rasna is my attempt at making a working programming language.

Rasna is planned to be:

  • Compiled to LLVM
  • Turing-complete
  • Statically typed
  • As safe at runtime as it can be
  • Everything is an expression (everything can be assigned, see Features)
  • Self-hosted (Java is used only as an initial bootstrap, once the language is mature enough I hope to rewrite it in Rasna)



Variables in Rasna are declared with the syntax:

[identifier]: ([Type]) = [initialiser]

The [Type] is optional if the compiler can determine the type from the initialiser, which it should always be able to. This results in a go-style declaration syntax when omitting the type:

    //These two are equivalent
    i: Int = 0
    j := 0

If a variable is declared without an initialiser, a type must be provided:

    i      //Will not compile
    i: Int //Will compile


Simple programs that print numbers from 0 to 99 in an ascending order:

for (N: Int = 0 to 100) {
N: Int = 0
while (N < 100) {
    N = N + 1


Rasna features Guards where an expression can be defined for a specific Subset of its full domain.

For example with Variables:

i: Int | (i mod 2 == 0) = 0 //Variable i can only contain the set of even integers
i = 3 //runtime error

This can be combined with for expressions to loop over only a specific subset of the guard:

for (N: Int = 0 to 10 | N % 2 == 0) {
    print(N) //prints 0, 2, 4, 6, 8

Everything is an expression

In Rasna, everything is an expression and so everything can be assigned. This means instead of ternary expressions, an if expression can be assigned to a variable:

i: Int = if (x > y) 1 else 2

If x > y then i will be assigned the value 1, else 2. If the body of the if is multiline, only the last line will be returned:

i: Int = if (x > y) {
    x = x + 1
} else {
    y = y + 1

This will assign i to either 1 or 2 with the side effect of incrementing either x or y

This extends to loops as well, whose return type is T[]:

//Assigns x to an Array of Ints from 0 to 4
ns: Int[] = for (N: Int= 0 to 5) {
print(ns) //prints [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

These act as normal for loops and can contain multiple lines, as with if expressions the last line of the body is assigned:

//Assigns x to an Array of the squares of all even numbers from 0 to 99
xs: Int = for (N: Int= 0 to 100 if N mod 2 == 0) {
    N * N


Functions so far are pretty much like rust or go:

fn sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a + b

print(sum(2, 3)) //prints 5

Functions can also take guards on their parameters:

fn isqrt(x: Int | x >= 0): Int { //Attempting to call isqrt with a negative number will throw an error

    i: Int= 1
    result: Int = 1
    while (result <= x) {
        i = i + 1
        result = i * i
    return i - 1

Uniform Function Call Syntax

Like languages such as Nim and D, Rasna supports UFCS instead of traditional OOP.

Any function defined with a type as the first argument can instead be called on that type, allowing chaining of methods:

struct Vector {
    x: Int
    y: Int

fn add(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector {
    return Vector(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)

fn mul(v: Vector, s: Int): Vector {
    return Vector(v.x * s, v.y * s)

fn main() {
    v1: Vector = {1, 2}
    v2: Vector = {3, 4}

    //all the following are correct and equivalent
    v3: Vector = add(v1, v2)
    v4: Vector = v1.add(v2)
    v5: Vector = v2.add(v1)
    //Methods can be chained a la OOP
    v6: Vector = v2.add(v1).add(v2).mul(5)


Structs are no more than structured data:

struct V3R {
    x: Real
    y: Real
    z: Real

They are initialised with a special constructor syntax taking arguments in the order they were defined:

v3: V3R = V3R{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}

Unlike languages like c++ and Rust, structs cannot contain member signatures. Once defined, a struct can be used in the return types and arguments of signatures just like any other type:

fn mag3(v: V3R): Real {
    return sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z)


Tuples are immutable structures that contain a fixed number of values, each with their own type.

They can be constructed literally like so:

    t: (String, Int, Bool) = ("Hello", 1, false)

A tuple of one element should be constructed with a trailing comma, like so:

    singleton: (String) = ("Hello",)

Values can be accessed by their position:

    print(t.0) //will print "Hello"

Pass by reference

A function can accept its arguments by reference with the ref keyword. Any callers will also have to provide the parameter with the ref keyword.

fn inc(ref i: Int) {

fn main() {
    i: Int = 0
    inc(ref i)
    print(i) //prints 1

When calling with UFCS, the -> operator should be used instead of . to indicate a pass by reference:

    i: Int = 0
    print(i) //prints 1


Enums are declared similarly to structs, but the members are simple identifiers:

enum Color {

Once declared, they can be used like any type. For now members must be qualified with their type:

    c := Color.Red

The variable c will be of the type Color, which compiles down to a const i32. As a result enums can be treated like Ints:

    //Prints 0, 1, 2
    for (c: Color = Color.Red to Color.Blue) {
    if (Color.Red < Color.Green) { //Evaluates to true

Interfaces and Generics

Like Go, Rasna supports Interfaces, declared like so:

interface Shape {
    area(): Real
    perim(): Real

Then any type with functions matching the signatures of an interface automatically implement that interface:

struct Circle {
    radius: Real
fn area(c: Circle): Real {
    return PI * c.radius * c.radius
fn perim(c: Circle): Real {
    return PI * c.radius * 2

Now Circle implements Shape and can be passed into functions that require a Shape:

fn measure(shape: Shape) {

fn main() {
    c := Circle{2.5}
    c.measure() //compiles

For functions that require their inputs implement multiple interfaces, generics can be used with interface constraints. Let's define a new Interface Named

interface Named {
    name(): String

And implement it with our Circle type:

fn name(c: Circle): String {
    return "Circle"

Now Circle implements Shape and Named. To write a function that requires a type implements these two interfaces, define it with a generic type parameter with the interfaces as constraints:

fn <T: (Shape, Named)> measure(shape: T) {
    print("The ")
    print("'s area is: ")

fn main() {
    c := Circle{2.5}
    c.measure() //prints "The Circle's area is 19.63495


The architecture of this compiler is heavily based on the one built by Immo Landwerth in his Building a Compiler series: