
A PHP pattern matcher for arguments and arrays of data

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A PHP pattern matcher for arguments and arrays of data

Thatcher matches data sets of data and based on that data runs a callback

I was inspired by functionality in other langauges like haskell and rust to make functionality availiable in a langauge like php, even if it's only something basic

Here is a short section with a quick example of a basic implementaion


require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";

use function ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Aliases\Pattern;
use const ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Symbols\Aliases\_;
use function ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Symbols\Aliases\Match;
use function ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Symbols\Aliases\When;

        Pattern(), //an empty pattern, which will match when the given set is empty
        function() {
            echo "No data passed";
        Pattern(_), //a _ is an alias for any 1 item in a set
        function($x) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 1 element, $x";
        Pattern(_,_), //in this case any set which is exactly 2 items long
        function($x, $y) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 2 elements, $x and $y";
    When( //this one will be ran with the given data below
        Pattern('hello!', _,_), //match any set with exactly 3 items and the first item is the value 'hello!'
        function($x, $y, $z) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 3 elements starting with $x, then $y and $z";
        Pattern([_]), //Match any number of items. As this is the last pattern we are using, it will be checked against last
        function($xs) {
            echo "Some Other Set -> " . json_encode($xs);
)("hello!", "myname jeff", "dasdsada");

In this case the function associated with Pattern('hello!', _,_) will be ran, as it is the first of the When clauses that matches in input from top to bottom.

Here are some examples of other patterns you could use


require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";

use function ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Aliases\Pattern;
use const ZombieTfk\Thatcher\Symbols\Aliases\_;

Pattern(_,_,_);   //Match any set that size = 3
Pattern(_,_,[_]); //Match any set that size >= 3
Pattern([_],_,_);   //Match any set that size >= 3
Pattern([_]); //Match any set (Will simply return the passed input)

// sometimes you might want to do something like this
// to capture the the first, second, and last two items in the set
// as independant parameters to a function used with this pattern
// in a `When` clause

    Pattern(_,_[_],_,_), //an empty pattern, which will match when the given set is empty
    function($a,$b,$xs,$c,$d) {
        echo "No data passed";

//In this example, you can get the set of items before and the set of items after the first occurence of the word "peter"

//So trying to match something like this, remember that the last set will be everything after the first time it matches the given item
$pattern = Pattern([_],_,[_]);

    [0] => Array
            [0] => x

    [1] => 7
    [2] => Array
            [0] => 8
            [1] => 9
            [2] => 0
            [3] => 1
            [4] => 2
            [5] => 3
            [6] => 4
            [7] => 5
            [8] => x
            [9] => 7


Calling the getParsedParameters method with invalid data will result in a NonMatchingInputException, so make sure that you call the matches method first to check or handle it yourself Similarly, the same Exception will be raised in a Match clause if the given data does not match any of it's patterns. It is usually good practice to include both a Pattern() and final Pattern([_]) in your matches.

Finally, there Classes as well, don't worry, the aliases are just basic functions (or consts) hiding the new'ing them up



//this is the same as the first example, except now the final Matcher's passed function will be called
//as the input data has changed to no longer meet the conditions of the original pattern it matched
(new MatcherBlock(
    new Matcher(
        new Pattern(),
        function() {
            echo "No data passed";
    new Matcher(
        new Pattern(_),
        function($x) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 1 element, $x";
    new Matcher(
        new Pattern(_,_),
        function($x, $y) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 2 elements, $x and $y";
    new Matcher(
        new Pattern('hello!', _,_),
        function($x, $y, $z) {
            echo "Data contains exactly 3 elements starting with $x, then $y and $z";
    new Matcher(
        new Pattern([_]),
        function($xs) {
            echo "Some Other Set -> " . json_encode($xs);
))("goodbye", "myname steve", "dasdsada");

Future Plans

  • Add StringPattern type which will treat strings as sets of characters, making matching them easier


        function($www, $site, $dotcom) {
            echo $site; // 'mysite'
  • Rename existing Pattern type to SetPattern