
The repository for all of my tutorials about using Apollo with React on Thinkster.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boost Your React Apps with Apollo (Thinkster.io)

Hi! Sam Julien here. You've reached the repsitory for sample code and exercises for my series on Apollo Client for Thinkster.

This repository contains a GraphQL server (in /server) used throughout the series, as well as folders for each tutorial. Each tutorial folder contains starting points (where applicable) and finished code, as well as any exercises included.

To get started with the server:

cd server
npm install
npm start

Table of Contents

A Note on the Beta

In this series, we're using Apollo Client 3. At time I'm recording this, v3 is still in beta. I have it on good authority that the material I'm covering won't change after the release, but rest assured that I'll be updating anything that changes. In any case, you may see the beta version pop up in some of the videos or the sample code. Don't worry about it unless something is broken (in which case let me know)!

Why a habit tracker?

The sample project in this course is inspired by the work of people like Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman, James Clear's Atomic Habits, and BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits. Because of these people, I've learned that big life changes usually happen in tiny steps made consistently!

Where to Find Me

Here are a few other places you can find me:

I'm always happy to help my students, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about this course!