Netlify Status


Personal site

This is a repo for my personal site.

To-do list

I chip away at this thing over time, so here's a link of things I've worked on or want to work on.

  • Experiment with Flexbox (recent posts section on homepage)
  • Add reading list to Inclusion section
  • Add BrowserSync
  • Refactor and organize Sass and components
  • Figure out certificates and make sure site serves https
  • Add to-do list to readme
  • Clean up forestry
  • Alias browser sync notes in here because I always forget
  • Experiment with CSS Grid (half done, basic grid on Inclusion section)
  • Get Netlify Large Image to work
  • Reflow content and redesign on Writing & Community page
  • Organize Speaking page to include option to contact or videos of talks
  • Make Jekyll tags work the way I want them to