
A collection of pictures of my dog Fozzy, one added each day.

Primary LanguageHTML


A collection of pictures of my dog Fozzy, one added each day.


##How to contribute Contributing is really easy. Just head over to images.json and add your date and image link (this is assuming you have previously uploaded to imgur) to the JSON.

####If you are not familiar with JSON, here is a step-by-step

Be sure to upload your image to imgur and get your direct link before starting.

    1. Locate the bottom of the file. It will be the only line that doesn't end with a comma (besides the brackets that remain at the top and bottom of the file) and looks like this:
"03/31/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/01/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf" //<--- This is the end of the JSON
    1. Add a comma to the last line, like this:
"03/31/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/01/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf", //<--- See how I added a comma here.
    1. Add a new line and type your date in qoutes. Make sure to format it correctly.
"03/31/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/01/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/02/16" //<-- I added a new line and typed my date.
    1. Add a colon, space, and then paste your imgur link in qoutes.
"03/31/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/01/16": "http://imgur.com/asdf",
"04/02/16": "myImgurLinkInQoutes.com"
    1. Done! Visit thedailyfozz.pw and look at your new fozz! (If it's the same day you added of course.)