
Private Identity

Primary LanguagePython


PrIde (Private Identity) is a system designed to verify your identity with focus on privacy protection. The application will enable user to only reveal part of their identity that is required by the third-party service provider.


In today's world where data privacy is an everyday concern, the app aims to provide granular control of identity information to any organization. The issuing organization will store a signed identity schema in the decentralized blockchain and will issue a identity certificate to the user. The user can then present the certificate to a verifying organization as proof. Whenever an organization requests some identity information like age, place of birth, etc., using zero-knowledge proof the user can share only the required information with the verifier. The verifier can then validate the given proof from the decentralized blockchain thus being sure of the authenticity of the issuer and information. This would help reveal only the data that is required to the concerned party and keep all the other data hidden, while also maintaining data integrity and authenticity.

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Technology Stack

  • Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries
  • Docker containers to simulate nodes
  • Python and Node for backend servers
  • Angular based frontend application
  • MongoDB as NoSQL database

Team Members

  • Ronak Shah
  • Samkit Sheth
  • Aishwarya Rastogi
  • Siddhant Sribhashyam