
brettwilcox/brettwilcox is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.

Primary LanguageSvelteApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Namaste 🖖 and Happy September 🐛 🌷 🌸 🌲 ☀️ ☔

I love creating environments for learning opportunities and growth, making cool things, and collaborating on interesting projects.

👽 Emoji's ✏️ Markdown Cheat Sheet 📙 Markdown 📗 MultiMarkdown 📕 GFM

  • 🔭 - I’m currently working on scorpion.io 🦂 and projects for American Airlines, Inc ✈️.
  • 🌱 - I’m learning Rust, React, GraphQL, Gatsby, Next.js, Backstage, Zettelkasten Method, and how to build robust enterprise level API's at scale.
  • 👥 - I’m looking to collaborate on app development, data analytics, security, research, and making enjoyable learning environments.
  • 🤔 - I’m looking for help with various parts of the scorpion project.
  • 💬 - Ask me about security, coding, business, collaboration, learning journeys, teamwork, ethics, and philosophy.
  • ❤️ - Current obsessions: Learning Management Systems, Rust.
  • 👀 - Did you know that scorpions can consume large amounts of food in one sitting? They have an efficient food storage organ and a very low metabolic rate, and a relatively inactive lifestyle. Just like me...
  • 🍵 - Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
  • 🍪 - Works extra hard when presented with cookies as a reward.
  • 🔐 - Keybase ID.
  • 🔑 - GPG Fingerprint = 74F3 22B7 6ABE E185 9863 1DCC F5C8 9821 4D2C 080B (changing soon)
  • 📬 - How to reach me: brett@scorpion.io.

    🙅 - If it’s related to an issue, please tag me here on github (@brettwilcox)

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

  • Carl Sagan

scorpion.io jobs.aa.com
scorpion.io jobs.aa.com