This is an unofficial wrapper providing convenient access to the Safaricom MPESA Daraja API for applications written in Python.
It has been tested with Python 2 & 3
To install the library from Pypi:
pip install mpesa-py
To get the latest version of the library.
pip install git+git://
You can also clone or download the library package and install it using setuptools:
python install
The library comes with simple integration tests with Safaricom's sandbox APIs. Due to factors beyond my control, the tests are structured to pass even when a specific Daraja API is under maintenance. To run the tests, simply execute pytest from the library's root directory:
from mpesa.api.<API> import <API Class>
API The following APIs are supported:
- transaction_status
- mpesa_express
- reversal
- balance
- auth
- b2c
- c2b
- b2b
API Class The following are the corresponding API classes:
- TransactionStatus
- MpesaExpress
- Reversal
- Balance
- MpesaBase
- B2B
- C2B
- B2C
For more information about the modules and APIs, please see the documentation.