
An easy way to include FontAwesome icons in your React applications without having to add each icon separately.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An easy way to include FontAwesome (v6.4.0) icons in your React applications without having to add each icon separately.

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npm i --save @honeybee-js/react-fontawesome-icon
yarn add @honeybee-js/react-fontawesome-icon


 * FontAwesomeIcon
 * @param {string} icon (required) - icon to use. (e.g. 'chevron-right')
 * @param {string} lib - library to use. - (e.g. fas, far, fab) - default: fas
 * @param {reference} innerRef - you can still assign to ref
 * @param {...styledSystemProps} [color, layout, position, space, typography]
 * @param {...any} props
 * @returns component
 * @fontawesome docs - https://fontawesome.com/search
 * @styledSystem docs - https://styled-system.com/table
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@honeybee-js/react-fontawesome-icon"
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="..." lib="..." ...styledSystemProps />
/* Example */
<FontAwesomeIcon icon="facebook-f" lib="fab" color="#3b5998" fontSize="20px" />


MIT © Samline